Common reasons to access therapy
The decision to make the first step and access counselling, therapy or support, can often be tricky. You may have a niggle, a feeling, be going through a difficult time or a crisis. It may also have been suggested to you, or you might have been referred for a service.
Traditionally, we may only think about accessing support at a time of crisis. However, there are many situations and challenges we face through life where accessing support would be helpful and result in better quality of life.
Reasons to consider counselling:
I’m feeling stressed
Struggling to cope
I need to make a decision
Trouble sleeping
I’m worried a lot
Help to communicate with my partner, children or parents
Help to set boundaries
Making a plan and setting goals
Gain insight in a situation or relationship
I’d like someone to talk too
Help to solve the problems in my life
Gain a different perspective
Build motivation
Worried about work or school
A safe space to talk freely
HCS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, Stewards and languages groups of Australia and recognise their connection throughout time to lands and water. We admire the collective knowledge, wisdom, strength and resilience of First Nations communities and peoples.
We acknowledge and pay respect to Elders, past, present and those of the future, for they will hold the memories, traditions and hopes of First Nations peoples and culture. We pay respect to our First Nations customers, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners in Reconciliation.
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