Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional deficiencies are quite common in children with limited dietary intake and variety, particularly low levels of iron and vitamins B, C, and D. These deficiencies are often identified through blood tests and medical monitoring. Signs may include low energy, poor concentration, dizziness, thinning hair, and frequent illnesses. Our dietitians can conduct a comprehensive dietary assessment and provide tailored recommendations to address these deficiencies. We offer expertise in food-first approaches as well as supplementation options to support your child’s health.
HCS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, Stewards and languages groups of Australia and recognise their connection throughout time to lands and water. We admire the collective knowledge, wisdom, strength and resilience of First Nations communities and peoples.
We acknowledge and pay respect to Elders, past, present and those of the future, for they will hold the memories, traditions and hopes of First Nations peoples and culture. We pay respect to our First Nations customers, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners in Reconciliation.
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